Current Standings
Week 3
Completed by 5/25/24
Week 4
Completed by 6/8/24
Week 5
Completed by 6/22/24
Week 6
Completed by 7/6/24
Week 7
Completed by 7/20/24
Week 8
Completed by 8/3/24
Week 9
Completed by 8/17/24
2024 Rules
Team's lie cannot be improved. Drop within one club length distance.
If a ball is out of bounds, take a drop where it went in with penalty stroke.
If a ball is out of bounds, take a drop where it went in with penalty stroke.
Winning team gets to decide whether to restart the the match to play 9 more holes or just play the unfinished holes at the next opportunity.
Win= 5 | Loss= 0 | OT loss=2 | Eagle: 2 | GIR: 2 | FIR: 1 | Chip in: 1
Hole in one- 12 player who gets it, partner gets 2
Hole in one- 12 player who gets it, partner gets 2
Mulligans must be used by person who has them.
Tier review mid season based on scores.
Tier review mid season based on scores.